Thursday, March 19, 2020

St. Patrick's Day Traps

Below are some pictures of our creative and wonderful Leprechaun traps that we built on Friday! I was so impressed with the creativity and teamwork that went on. I was shocked when I came in on Tuesday to find that the sneaky Leprechauns must have taken all of our traps! .... Those tricky Leprechauns...They did leave a special treat and some gold behind. I packaged them up in bags and put them in students' school supply bags. I hope we catch them next year!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Update on our learning..

Thank you so much for sending in supplies for our amazing 100 day posters! They all turned out great! We are now 100 days smarter! Here are a few pictures from our 100th day at school:

In math we have moved into learning subtraction. We have learned a few strategies to help us and are now practicing our skills in some station activities:

In LA we are still doing our daily 5. We should all be able to write at least 1 simple sentence using the word wall words as a support. For example: "I went to play." (Those are all word wall words). We work on writing every day. We are still remembering to put an uppercase at the beginning of our sentence and a period at the end. We have also been learning about rhyming words. Rhyming words have the same ending but different beginnings. They can help us in our spelling.

We read the story The Mitten by Alvin Tresselt. We practiced re-telling the story using our own mitten and characters to help us. We presented them to the class and to our grade 3 buddies. If you haven't already asked your child to tell you the story please do. They are very good story tellers!

In science we have been learning about the season of winter. We will be moving on to our next unit of Building Things very soon! A group from Ms. Pedulla's grade 6/5 class came in to do a challenge with our class. Each group had to make a bridge out of paper and tape to hold up 4 hot wheel cars! Here are some pictures:

In social studies we have been learning a lot about our rights and responsibilities. We made a treasure booklet of our rights and drew pictures to match each one.

In gym we have been focusing on racket handling with balls. It takes a lot of focus and practice. We
are now working on curling. So far it has been a ton of fun.

In art we have done a few little art projects! I'm sure you saw our great 100's day art that we completed. We have also done a lovely water colour art piece of the northern lights. 

In religion we have just finished learning all about baptism. We are now moving on to learning about Lent. We talked about how we usually give something up for Lent and how we do extra kind deeds. Every day I will choose one person to be our "friend of the day." We all go around the circle saying something nice about that person. It makes them feel happy and cared for. Every student in class will get a turn.

In library we learned about maps! There was a giant map of Canada that we explored.